
Photo by John Schnobrich / Unsplash

Business users of Private Cellular Networks

If you are starting to investigate how private cellular networks can benefit your business and need help with network design, vendor selection, or deployment, I'm here to help.

With over 20 years experience in wireless networking, five of those dedicated to private cellular networks, I have gained the expertise needed to ensure your network deployments deliver the positive impact you need.

Private Cellular Network Vendors and Resellers

If you're looking to improve the visibility of your product in the enterprise private cellular networking space, I will work directly with your team to develop strategy and engaging content across areas like;

  • Product demonstrations
  • Webinars and events
  • Technical Documentation
  • Customer segmentation and alignment

I spent three years working at Celona on the Technology Marketing team, successfully making the company one of the highest-profile vendors in the Private Cellular Networking market.