Database of Private Cellular Network Vendors

Database of Private Cellular Network Vendors

I couldn't find an easily accessible database of private cellular network (PCN) vendors, so I went ahead and created one.

Each entry includes links to the vendor's website, LinkedIn, and YouTube pages. I've used a tag system to define each vendor's capabilities so you can filter based on your specific requirements.

I'll update the database regularly to include any new vendors or information I've missed, and this is where you can help, by letting me know if you see any inaccuracies or know of a missing vendor. You can reach me via mastodon or LinkedIn.

"View larger version" to see all fields.

The full airtable is reachable via these links.

Table View

Table view of PCN Vendor Database

Gallery View

Gallery View of PCN Vendor Database

Updated: 5/22/2023

Notes: I moved the database from Notion to Airtable, and added RGNets.